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Major Decision

Minor Decision


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What is Major Decisions?

Major decisions are mostly life long or long term decisions, such as marriage, getting into a family business or bequeathable business etc.

What is Minor Decisions?

Minor decisions are quick decisions that will ideally not have a negative impact when it fails, such as a quick trip, hanging out with some new folks etc.

How does it arrive at the probability of success?

Several parameters are considered according to the MRP theory. It uses decision type, reasons, personal factors, definitions, key words, prioritization etc. to arrive at probability of success. You need 28 reasons to make a very good major decision, while you need 7 to make a minor one.

What are tokens?

Tokens are automatically added for premium subscribers. These tokens are used to generate expanded explanations, we call essay. This explanations help in planning and extensive articulation.

Do tokens get finished?

Yes. Tokens can be expended by the frequency of decisions. Enterprise tokens are unlimited but it attracts additional fees.

About App

DecisionRange is a decision and strategizing tool developed with the three alibis; science, AI, and experts.

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